What Happened To The Tiger From Michael Jackson's Thriller Album Art?

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read

The 1982 album "Thriller" was as artistic in its look as it was in its sound. The photographer of the iconic cover image, Dick Zimmerman (via MJVibe), said on his website, that the "Thriller" album cover was one of eccentric decision-making and artistic intent. The process of creating the album cover involved a few mishaps and close calls. For example, Jackson didn't like any of the clothes offered by the stylist, and so instead chose to wear Zimmerman's suit itself.

Then there's the tiger. After deciding that there would be a tiger cub with Jackson in the image, they had to somehow get him comfortable with it. Naturally, Jackson did not want the tiger to scratch him, but soon warmed up to the idea of holding him. Jackson would go on to have tigers of his own, one of which was aptly named Thriller, as the Independent reports. 
