Red Notice 2 Release Date : Recap, Cast, Review, Spoilers, Streaming, Schedule & Where To Watch? - S

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Red Notice Sequel

News: The action comedy film Red Notice, which was released on November 5, 2021, has gained significant popularity. Produced by Seven Bucks Productions, Bad Version, Inc., and Flynn Picture Company, the movie had a budget of $200 million. Distributed by Netflix, Red Notice achieved a viewership of 364.02 million hours within the first twenty-eight days of its digital release. Given the immense success of the first film, it comes as no surprise that a sequel, Red Notice 2, is already in the works. The news of its development has excited fans, and they can’t wait to see Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot reprise their roles as John Hartley, Nolan Booth, and Sarah Black, respectively.

Production Timeline and Release

However, fans may need to be patient as the wait for Red Notice 2 might be longer than expected. Scott Stuber, Head of Film at Netflix, revealed in an exclusive interview with Collider that they are aiming to start production at the end of next year, around the fall of 2024. This suggests that filming for Red Notice 2 may not be completed until early or mid-2025, and the movie might be released in late 2025 or early 2026. As the first film is available on Netflix, Red Notice 2 will also be streamed on the same OTT platform.

Challenges and Busy Schedules

In addition to the production timeline, the Red Notice crew will face the challenge of coordinating the busy schedules of Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot, who are some of the busiest actors in Hollywood. All three have other substantial projects lined up. Scott Stuber mentioned in the interview that Johnson may be the toughest to work around due to the delay in the Moana live-action adaptation, which has been pushed back to 2025. The filming for this project will commence late next year. Rawson Marshall Thurber, the writer and director of the first Red Notice film, will be returning for Red Notice 2.

Possibility of Red Notice 3

Interestingly, there are also rumors about Red Notice 3. When asked about the progress of both Red Notice 2 and Red Notice 3, Scott Stuber mentioned that they are currently working on one and will have the script for it relatively soon. This raises questions about the future of Red Notice 3 and whether it will come to fruition.

In conclusion, the highly anticipated sequel, Red Notice 2, is currently in development. Fans will have to wait patiently as filming is expected to begin at the end of next year, with a potential release date in late 2025 or early 2026. The production team will have the additional challenge of managing the busy schedules of Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot, who are in high demand in the industry. As fans eagerly await the release of Red Notice 2, there is also speculation about the possibility of a Red Notice 3.


Q: Is Red Notice 2 already in development?

A: Yes, Red Notice 2 is currently in development.

Q: When will filming for Red Notice 2 begin?

A: Filming for Red Notice 2 is expected to start at the end of next year, around the fall of 2024.

Q: Will Red Notice 2 be released on Netflix?

A: Yes, Red Notice 2 will be streamed on Netflix, just like the first film.
