What does Canguil mean in Ecuador?

May 2024 · 1 minute read

Noun. canguil m (plural canguiles) (Ecuador) popcorn quotations ? Synonyms: see Thesaurus:palomita.Click to see full answer. Simply so, what is Canguil?Canguil corn. Back to the archive > In Nariño Department, in southern Colombia, the old variety of maize known as canguil (which means “fog” or “very thin mist” in the Quechua language) is grown at an altitude of 2,500-3,000 meters. This maize has a growth cycle that lasts a whole year and has small grains.Also, what does Guambra mean? guambra. (Ecu) 1 (muchacho) young Indian. 2 (niño) (gen) child; baby; (indio) Indian child; (mestizo) mestizo child. 3 (amor) sweetheart. Also know, what does it mean to be Ecuadorian? 1. Ecuadorian – a native or inhabitant of Ecuador. Ecuadoran. Ecuador, Republic of Ecuador – a republic in northwestern South America; became independent from Spain in 1822; the landscape is dominated by the Andes. South American – a native or inhabitant of South America.What is popcorn called in Mexico?In México palomitas (de maíz). In South America “pochoclos” In some areas “rosetas” In México palomitas (de maíz).
