Ezra Miller: Filming Myself Getting Assaulted for NFT Crypto Art

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Ezra Miller, the American actor, has revealed that they document instances of being assaulted for the sake of art.

Bodycam footage from an incident in March, where the 29-year-old actor was arrested at a karaoke bar in Hawaii, has surfaced and has been obtained by TMZ.

In the video, Miller, who identifies as non-binary and prefers they/them pronouns, informed an officer that they “film themselves getting assaulted for NFT crypto art.”

The star of The Flash was overheard saying;

“I got assaulted and I started filming. Let me show you the video. I got assaulted in this bar, twice in a row. I film myself when I get assaulted for NFT crypto art.

“What’s your name? What’s your badge number? Tell me your name and your badge number. Full name! Full badge number!” they repeatedly demanded before their arrest.

“Don’t touch me. Tell me your name and your badge number, now!”

Miller then appeared shocked upon learning that they were being cuffed for disorderly conduct. They expressed their disbelief;

“I’m being arrested for disorderly conduct? I was assaulted.

“You understand that, right?

“The guy at that bar declared himself as a Nazi. I have it on film and he attacked me.”

Miller also exercised their amendment rights in front of the officers. They added;

“I claim my ninth amendment rights to not be unlawfully persecuted for a crime of no designation.

“Disorderly conduct means something I am un-guilty of. I claim my fourth amendment rights to not be searched and seized on no probable cause, that you will not be able to offer in a court of law.”

The actor also alleged in the footage that their genitals were touched by one of the officers. They said;

“Hey, you just touched my penis. Please don’t do that. I’m transgender, non-binary and I don’t want to be searched by a man!”

According to the police statement at the time of Miller’s arrest, they “began yelling obscenities and at one point grabbed the microphone from a 23-year-old woman singing karaoke and later lunged at a 32-year-old man playing darts”. “The bar owner asked Miller to calm down several times to no avail.”

In April, Miller was arrested in Hawaii for the second time and charged with second-degree assault after allegedly throwing a chair at a woman.
