The Meaning Behind The Song: Black Wave by K.Flay

May 2024 · 3 minute read


TitleBlack Wave
Writer/ComposerTommy English, K.Flay & Dan Wilson
AlbumEvery Where is Some Where (Deluxe)
Release DateFebruary 3, 2017
GenreRap-Rock, Pop, Alternative Rock

“Black Wave” was the first single released by K.Flay as she announced her album Every Where Is Some Where via Medium. The song serves as a strong introduction to the album, encapsulating the themes and emotions that can be found throughout.

The lyrics of “Black Wave” convey a sense of impending doom and uncertainty. The opening lines, “Black wave coming will it hit, I can taste the fear yeah it’s written on my lips,” paint a vivid picture of anticipation and anxiety. K.Flay sings about sipping on a cold one, waiting for a sense of relief, but instead waking up with an omen tatted on her wrist.

The chorus repeats the phrase “Waiting on a black wave,” emphasizing the feeling of being trapped and unsure of what to believe. K.Flay describes herself as running in a rat maze, shaking in her own cage. The lyrics reflect a struggle to find one’s place in a chaotic world.

Throughout the song, K.Flay touches on themes of power, corruption, and survival. In the line “Who you gonna trust when the killer is the cop,” she questions the institutions that are supposed to protect us. She also refers to the ocean crashing down, symbolizing the overwhelming forces that can threaten our existence.

Despite the darkness and uncertainty, K.Flay’s lyrics also convey a sense of resilience and defiance. She sings, “At the end guess we’re all just animals, at the end is it all just greed.” These lines suggest that even in the face of adversity, we have the power to rise above and assert our own agency.

Personally, “Black Wave” resonates with me on a deep level. The lyrics capture the overwhelming feeling of anxiety and uncertainty that many of us experience in our lives. The song serves as a reminder to face our fears and stand tall in the face of adversity.

At times, we may feel like we’re drowning in a metaphorical black wave, but K.Flay’s lyrics inspire us to navigate through it with strength and resilience. The song is a powerful anthem for anyone who has ever felt trapped or uncertain in their own lives.

K.Flay’s music has always been known for its genre-bending style, and “Black Wave” is no exception. The song combines elements of rap, rock, and pop, creating a unique sonic landscape that mirrors the emotional intensity of the lyrics.

In conclusion, “Black Wave” by K.Flay is a song that delves into the depths of uncertainty and fear, while also offering a glimmer of hope and resilience. Its powerful lyrics and genre-defying sound make it a standout track on K.Flay’s album Every Where Is Some Where. Whether you’re a fan of her music or not, “Black Wave” serves as a reminder to face our fears head-on and navigate through the challenges life throws at us.
