Theyre lucky he wasnt home: Keanu Reeves Becomes Victim of Burglary as Assailants Break

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Keanu Reeves is deservedly one of the most famous actors in the world. However, there is also a downside to the kind of fame he has managed to garner. While Reeves’s popularity has a range of benefits, it has also seemingly made him an easy target for criminals.

One may think due to the Matrix star’s incredibly polite nature, he wouldn’t become a target for burglars. However, these expectations were proven wrong as Reeves’ home was recently a target of a burglary.

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Keanu Reeves Wasn’t at Home During a Burglary at his L.A. Home

Keanu Reeves‘ Los Angeles home reportedly became a burglary target on Wednesday evening, as per an exclusive report by TMZ. The report dived into details about the crime.

Law enforcement sources say burglars in ski masks broke into his place and fled the area before officers arrived.

As mentioned earlier, the incident took place on Wednesday evening, and the LAPD received an anonymous tip. However, when the police arrived at the veteran actor’s property at 7:00 PM, they didn’t find anyone. Fortunately, the police decided to revisit the house later.

But, we’re told police were back there again around 1 AM when an alarm sounded on the property and this time officers say multiple men in ski masks were spotted on security cams smashing a window and entering the house.

The motive of the burglary was surprisingly not taking cash or anything expensive from Reeves. Instead, the criminals took a weapon from Reeves’ house.

As of now, the police are conducting a thorough investigation of the crime. Fortunately, Reeves wasn’t at home during the burglary. The LAPD is currently trying to figure out whether the initial call was made by someone passing by or the burglars themselves.

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Fans React to Keanu Reeves Becoming a Victim of Burglary

Considering Keanu Reeves’ insane popularity, it didn’t take long for the news to spread like wildfire. As one would expect, fans from around the globe shared their reactions to the original tweet posted by TMZ.

Keanu Reeves Home Raided by Burglars in Ski Masks, Firearm Stolen | Click to read more 👇

— TMZ (@TMZ) December 8, 2023

One may ideally expect to see concerned reactions to the tweet. However, most fans joked about the situation. Some claimed that the criminals were lucky that Reeves wasn’t home at the time, or he would have gone full John Wick on them.

Breaking in John Wick’s house is crazy

— Phil 🌟 (@Phxlly) December 8, 2023

John wick canon event 🫢💀

— Adrien (@AdrienIsnthere) December 8, 2023

They better hope they didn't touch his dog

— L A G (@Damnlag) December 8, 2023

John wick is coming for them

— Tosin (@AdewolaTosin) December 8, 2023

The man is literally the most down to earth, nicest guy ever. Took his own money to pay the crew more on The Matrix. Tons of stuff like this and he gets robbed 🤦🏻‍♀️ I hope karma be coming fast for said thieves.

— Go Birds 🦅💚🦅💚 (@popcorn80337377) December 8, 2023

While most fans joked about the incident, there were a select few who were genuinely concerned about the actor. They hoped that the perpetrators would eventually pay for their actions, and questioned why anyone would want to rob someone Keanu Reeves.

After all, the John Wick superstar is undoubtedly one of the nicest people in the industry. The tragic part is also that this wasn’t the first criminal incident at his home. Hopefully, Reeves will react to the latest incident by improving the security of his home.

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