Matthew McConaughey Tried to Explain Why He Was Kate Hudson's Worst On-Screen Kiss

May 2024 · 2 minute read

After Kate Hudson told Gwyneth Paltrow that her worst-ever on-screen kiss came courtesy of Matthew McConaughey during the filming of Fool's Gold, it looks like the one-time rom-com headliner isn't taking those accusations lightly. In an interview with Yahoo, McConaughey explained that all his kisses with Hudson were under less-than-ideal situations and that viewers need to understand that the conditions behind an on-screen kiss aren't always the best.

Photo by Ian West - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images

"Like when we were kissing in the end of Fool's Gold, we're in the ocean, we like had the plane crash — he just had snot all over his face," Hudson told Paltrow during an appearance on the goop podcast.

McConaughey and Hudson also starred together in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and he explained that in both films, all their kisses were awkward.

"So many of our ... Kate and I's kisses have been awkward," McConaughey said. "We're still like, hey, can we ever get a kiss where it's just like the temperatures, right? The ocean's not wiping us away? Nobody's dropping stuff on us, above our head?"

He went on to explain that during the Fool's Gold kiss, just about everything was working against them, from the ocean waves to their own bodies' reactions to details like jumping from a helicopter and the saltwater.

"It's like, 'OK, here's the scene: You've just jumped from the helicopter. You're in the middle of the ocean. You go under the water, so on action, go into the water and then come up out of the water like you're gasping for air," McConaughey said as he imitated a crew member. "You're glad to be alive! Then you look at each other and you swim to each other and [go] into an embrace."

On top of all that, McConaughey noted that they had to do the scene several times, so some of the on-screen chemistry could have been washed away by fatigue, ocean spray, and having a huge crew around them.

"Well, there's a lot of saltwater and snot and all kinds of stuff that are in between those, and so you're doing that and you're like, 'OK, I think that worked, but did that look any good?'" McConaughey added. "[They're] like, no, we better do another take. So there were always, like, elements that made it harder ... We never got to have our nice romantic kiss, yeah."
