James Charles Just Keeps Getting Shadier And Shadier

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

A year his offensive Africa tweet, James Charles made waves with a comment about trans men. In an April 2019 video, the star, who has identified as homosexual in the past, was asked if he's "full gay." He replied, "I mean no, there have been girls in the past that I have felt were really, really beautiful, there's also been like trans guys in the past that I was like really, really into for a moment in time."

Critics were unimpressed that Charles grouped cis women and trans men together, while possibly suggesting that he wouldn't be gay if he were attracted to a trans man. Seventeen pointed out that it's "a very dangerous stereotype to promote."

Charles quickly tweeted yet another apology: "In [an] attempt to explain the very complex concept of sexuality (& mine) in my vid today, I unintentionally implied that my trans brothers & sisters [aren't] valid. this is NOT what I was trying to say. you are valid in your identity!! I apologize & should've chosen my words wiser!"

Some detractors felt the apology fell short, with one follower writing, "This tweet does NOT cover what you said even slightly. ... you can spout 'you're valid' bullsh*t all you want but that is NOT why people are mad at you." Charles obviously still has a lot to learn.
