Hillary Clinton to Donate Harvey Weinstein Donations to Charity

May 2024 · 2 minute read

As the Harvey Weinstein scandal continues to shake Hollywood, Hillary Clinton is putting her money where her mouth is (quite literally), and will donate the film mogul's campaign contributions to charity.

In an interview with CNN on Wednesday, the former Democratic presidential nominee admitted that while she "probably would have" put herself in the producer's camp prior to the accusations, she felt "sick" and "shocked" after numerous Tinseltown A-listers came forward with their own accounts of sexual misconduct from the former Weinstein Company executive.

"I was appalled," the one-time Secretary of State said. "It was something that was just intolerable in every way. And, you know, like so many people who've come forward and spoken out, this was a different side of a person who I and many others had known in the past."

The politician, who has received campaign donations from Weinstein in the past, continued her condemnation. "People in Democratic politics for a couple of decades appreciated his help and support," she said. "And I think these stories coming to light now—and people who never spoke out before having the courage to speak out—just clearly demonstrates that this behavior that he engaged in cannot be tolerated."

While Clinton says that she cannot return the Miramax co-founder's past monetary contributions, she hopes to channel his donations toward charity.

"What other people are saying, what my former colleagues are saying, is they're going to donate it to charity, and of course I will do that," she concluded. "I give 10 percent of my income to charity every year, this will be part of that. There's no—there's no doubt about it."
