Difference Between Overt And Covert

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

The terms Overt and Covert are often used in the context of human behavior and can be used to describe the different ways in which people interact with others. Overt behavior is more direct and obvious, while covert behavior is more subtle and hidden. This article will discuss the differences between these two types of behavior and how they can be used in different situations.

Definition of Overt Behavior

Overt behavior is characterized by being open and direct. It is an action that is clearly visible to others and can be easily observed. This type of behavior is often used to make a statement or to get a response from someone. Examples of overt behavior include making direct eye contact, speaking in a loud voice, or displaying body language such as crossed arms or a clenched fist.

Definition of Covert Behavior

Covert behavior is a more subtle and hidden type of behavior. It is not as easy to observe and is more difficult to interpret. This type of behavior is often used to manipulate or deceive someone. Examples of covert behavior include lying, gossiping, or using indirect communication.

Differences in Purpose

The purpose of overt behavior is usually to make a statement or to achieve a certain outcome. It is a direct way of expressing oneself and is often used to make a point. On the other hand, covert behavior is usually used to achieve a hidden goal. It is often used to manipulate or deceive another person in order to achieve a desired outcome.

Differences in Effectiveness

Overt behavior is usually more effective in achieving a desired outcome because it is more visible and easier to interpret. Covert behavior, on the other hand, is often less effective because it is more subtle and harder to interpret. It is also more likely to be misunderstood or misinterpreted.

Differences in Perception

Overt behavior is often perceived as aggressive or confrontational because it is so direct and visible. Covert behavior, on the other hand, is often perceived as more passive or manipulative because it is hidden and less obvious.

Differences in Social Acceptability

Overt behavior is generally more socially acceptable because it is more direct and obvious. Covert behavior, on the other hand, is often seen as manipulative or deceptive and is not as socially acceptable.

Differences in Context

Overt behavior is usually more appropriate in certain contexts, such as when making a statement or expressing an opinion. Covert behavior is more appropriate in other contexts, such as when trying to manipulate or deceive someone.

Differences in Outcome

Overt behavior often leads to more positive outcomes because it is more direct and easier to interpret. Covert behavior, on the other hand, can lead to more negative outcomes because it is more subtle and harder to interpret.

Differences in Reactions

Overt behavior often leads to more immediate reactions because it is so direct and visible. Covert behavior, on the other hand, often leads to more delayed reactions because it is less obvious and more difficult to interpret.

Differences in Interaction

Overt behavior is usually more interactive because it is so direct and visible. Covert behavior, on the other hand, is often less interactive because it is more subtle and hidden.

Differences in Intensity

Overt behavior is usually more intense because it is so direct and visible. Covert behavior, on the other hand, is often less intense because it is more subtle and hidden.

Differences in Communication

Overt behavior is usually more direct and explicit, while covert behavior is often more indirect and implicit.

Differences in Power

Overt behavior is often seen as a more powerful form of communication because it is more direct and visible. Covert behavior, on the other hand, is often seen as a weaker form of communication because it is more subtle and hidden.

Differences in Impact

Overt behavior usually has a more immediate and direct impact, while covert behavior often has a more subtle and indirect impact.

Differences in Control

Overt behavior is usually more controllable because it is so direct and visible. Covert behavior, on the other hand, is often less controllable because it is more subtle and hidden.

Differences in Timing

Overt behavior is often more immediate, while covert behavior is often more delayed.

Differences in Persuasiveness

Overt behavior is usually more persuasive because it is more direct and visible. Covert behavior, on the other hand, is often less persuasive because it is more subtle and hidden.

Differences in Effectiveness Over Time

Overt behavior is usually more effective in the short term because it is so direct and visible. Covert behavior, on the other hand, is often more effective in the long term because it is more subtle and hidden.


Overt and covert behavior are two different types of behavior that can be used in different situations. Overt behavior is more direct and visible, while covert behavior is more subtle and hidden. Each type of behavior has its own advantages and disadvantages and can be used in different contexts depending on the desired outcome. It is important to understand the differences between these two types of behavior in order to use them effectively.

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